Hi everybody
I am writing after such a looooong time ( I just could not bring myself to write) though I was going through your beautiful blogs and believe me they keep me going and face the hard times at home here. Its been a year since my mother-in-law (MIL) was bed ridden and her long illness has started taking its tool on mine and my husbands health (physical and mental). We both are supporting each other mentally so that these hard times are not such a burden and believe me my MIL in spite of her illness she keeps her spirits high and always wants to know what I saw on the blogs, she has kept her interests alive even though she is unable to do any productive work. My husband too is such a support to me at this time, always encouraging me to start new project so i keep myself busy.
I just keep making plans to start a new embroidery project but somehow unable to. Its not that I do not get time but somehow I am unable to. May be my enthusiasm has taken a nosedive. Everything has gone haywire out here. Then one day while surfing blogs I saw this beautiful crochet shawl and I knew I wanted to make this so to keep my sanity alive I stared making a crochet stole , inspired by the work of Lucy of Attic24. I had so much wool lying at home from my MIL’s previous knitting work so I said let me take a plunge in the crochet world though I am not much of crochet person. I just followed the Lucy’s tutorial for this. Old wool is in shades of brown and grey (that’s what my MIL used for her two sons) so to add colour I bought some colourful wool. My idea to make this stole was to finish the old stock of wool and to finish old stock I bought new wool, does it make any sense, to finish old stock one buys new things, no I do not think so but then I say all that makes you happy is sensible thing. So you see I fall into the bracket of sensible people. I am enjoying making it and hope to finish it during this winter.
Some more colours added to it.
Oh yes i finished knitting a cap and muffaler set for my hubby.
I had started embroidering a anchor kit some time back and doing work on it off and on.( more off then on) This is what i have to make.
I had been going through net for some patchwork quilts and found so many beautiful ones but these two caught my eyes and also fell in love with these and would like to try my hand at it. I have started making or rather i shoud say "try" making the first one, not a big project but a small one just to get the hang of it. Will post the photos of my work later.

Don't you think these patchworks are beautiful.
Below are the photographs of cardigan i started making last year. I wanted one in red colour with aran design/pattern, this is what these designs are known as, i think. This is the back side of cardigan. I know i am going very slow on it, this design needs concentration, it means no talking or watching TV while knitting this (at least i can't do these while knitting itbecause i make lots of mistakes and then i have to rip it off and it means more work.)
Lots of love and take good care of yourself anf your family