Hi everybody
At last I got all my embroidery related photographs uploaded on to my computer. now I can start blogging. The weather out here in Delhi, at this time of the year, is very bad. Its hot, humid and sultry & has started taking its toll on one's health and work. Anyway, here I am to share my work (whatever little i have done) with you all and in return learn even more from you. Yes, I have learnt a lot from the tutorials posted on the net.
I grew up watching my mother and my elder sister doing knitting, sewing, embroidery apart from household chores. My mother always had some or the other project on hand. We always had embroidered pillow covers, cushion covers, bedsheets, tablecloth with crochet lace work done in our house. Whether i liked it.. oh yes, but only watching it being made, making it, no ways. At that point of time I always thought it is only for married ladies with kids who sit at home to knit and embroider. We had craft as subject in school where we girls had to do embroidery and all that work was done by my sister. I only used to go and show my work to the teacher and get marks. but the embroidery bug was at home somewhere waiting to bite me and it did bite when i was say 15 or 16 of age and had just taken 10
th grade exams and waiting for my results. When i told my mom that i want to embroider a
saree for you. my family had a fit & were shocked. Imagine a girl who has not embroidered a handkerchief properly till then suddenly wanting to embroider 6 meters of cloth but i was adamant and i did get a
saree to embroider. I made roses on it using cross stitch and completed it on time. That
saree has been passed on by my mom to my sister-in-law,& she says that it is her prized possession. hence my journey into the world of embroidery has started and yes, now i understand that it is not meant only for married women with kids but for everyone with interest &
aptitude of it and it is very rewarding mentally, emotionally & can also be commercially exploited, if you do not believe me.... ask yourself, if you too have similar
I will be showing you my previous work but first what i have done lately.
I had been surfing net for fabric flowers and found some fantastic sites with tutorial of it. As weather out here is not allowing to do much work, I said why not try out these.
Here is what I have made .

Wow they do look great. I filled up the middle part with small yo
yos. These are made from used shirts of mine. Five petal flower has been turned into this wall hanging. I was so desperate to make it , I tore my blue shirt for it.

First I appliqued leaves on the cloth then placed the flowers and stitched only in the middle using red shiny beads.

These following beautiful flowers will go on to my bag.

Other thing that I am making while watching TV are these beautiful Yo
Yos. I plan to stitch them on single bedsheet and will be flaunting it during winters. So I better hurry up because I have lots and lots to make. They are so colourful. don't you think so.....